used by over 1200 doctors & researchers
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trusted by over 1200 doctors from leading universities
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MediSummary provides quick and easy summaries of your PDFs, saving you hours of reading time. It also creates audio summaries of these papers so you can listen to them even while on the go!
Each month, we add new clinical trials in your specialty to your library, keeping you effortlessly updated.
Create professional presentations in seconds, making preparation easier and faster.
The pictures and names are for illustrative purposes only, to maintain user anonymity. The testimonials texts are real feedbacks from our users.
Medical papers are complex and require careful reading.
Not endorsed by or affiliated with these organizations.
any time you hear a key idea
Specifically that sentence. No typing needed!
for later to make use of them on your research
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Our cutting-edge A.I. creates voices that sound human. They're clear and engaging, just like listening to an audiobook!
A text book
A used text book
A cell phone plan
A Netflix subscription
We will import the most-cited 300 clinical study summaries in your specialty so you can quickly see how MediSummary works.
Then, you will be able to upload your own PDFs too.